Dirty Deeds Done "Czar" Cheap

C'mon America, when will the mainstream media actually cover the real issue of WHY this WH Administration is appointing "Czars" when the cabinet positions have not even been filled? I know, I'm dreaming that the media would actually care more about the people and report the facts not just their Leftist agenda....

But the truth is, these Czars do not answer to Congress. So Congress can't st
op their actions unless they impeach the President. So people... this puts all the power in the hands of the President. This is a very slippery slope and that kind of power is not what democracy is about.

This scares the hell out of me and it should scare you too.

Van Jones' (Green Job Czar or "Special Advisor") comments right after 9/11 slamming the US for
it's "Imperialist Agenda" and then recently calling Republicans "a-holes" is a VERY CLEAR SIGN (they are called "signs" for a reason - pay attention!) that Obama is and always has been aligned with people who want to create division in this country.

I see a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing.

In the words of Joss Stone, "You're a dirty, dirty man", Mr. President.


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