What kind of "ism" are you?
Racism. Sexism. Ageism. Classism. Antagonism.
Let's face it. All of these "isms" exist in the world and most of us have experienced at least one of them. Are we really at a point that any opposition to the President is considered racism?
I have a problem with Carter saying that Joe Wilson's outburst was based on racism because it is false. If Wilson was should be accused of any "ism" it would be antagonism. He was disrespectful - no doubt about it, but it's not like he pulled a "Michael Richards".
Let's face it. All of these "isms" exist in the world and most of us have experienced at least one of them. Are we really at a point that any opposition to the President is considered racism?
I have a problem with Carter saying that Joe Wilson's outburst was based on racism because it is false. If Wilson was should be accused of any "ism" it would be antagonism. He was disrespectful - no doubt about it, but it's not like he pulled a "Michael Richards".
1 a : opposition of a conflicting force, tendency, or principle
- Main Entry: an·tag·o·nism
- Pronunciation: \an-ˈta-gə-ˌni-zəm\
- Function: noun
- Date: 1835
antagonism of democracy to dictatorship> b : actively expressed opposition or hostility
Whether you are Democrat or Republican, African American, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian, Indian, or any other race / species - if someone fundamentally disagrees with you, throwing around false, slanderous accusations in order to "win" is not only unwise, it exposes you for the irrational nut you truly are.
"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion”
~Chinese Proverb
Government Motors - And now some good news
According to Harvard Business Publishing, 373 U.S. public companies reduced their chief executives' base salaries between June 1, 2008 and June 18, 2009. 68 companies in the Fortune 1000 index have reduced executive officers' base salaries in the past year.
Here are the 10 largest (by revenue) U.S. public companies where CEO pay cuts took place:
Here are the 10 largest (by revenue) U.S. public companies where CEO pay cuts took place:
- General Motors (reduced to $1) This makes me do the happy dance. Seriously. At least there is one private jet that my tax dollars is NOT funding.
- Ford Motor (reduced by 30%)
- Sears (reduced by $50K)
- FedEx (reduced by 20%)
- American Express (reduced by 10%)
- Motorola (reduced by 25%)
- Eaton (reduced by 6 weeks' worth of pay)
- Continental Airlines (reduced to $0 for Q3 and Q4 of 2008)
- EMC (reduced by 15%)
- Cummins (reduced by 10%)
Go Sell Crazy Somewhere Else!
Charlie Sheen is the same kind of crazy as Van Jones. His recent video "20 Minutes with the President" in which he states that the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks a conspiracy, proves that Sheen is unhinged. His words: "The official 9/11 story is a fraud” and claims the attacks served as “the pretext for the systematic dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
Another over dramatic 9/11 "Truther". Shocking. Charlie is somewhat right about the government trying to dismantle our Constitution and Bill of Rights. He just has the wrong administration in his line of fire. Anyone who believes this load of crap he is peddling is obtuse! Why anyone would take this guy seriously (who is known to be addicted to gambling, prescription drugs and prostitutes), baffles me. His ex-wife used his beliefs about 9/11 as proof for a judge that he was “delusional.”
On a day such as this, remembering the heroes and all the people who lost their lives during those attacks makes my heart ache. 9/11 should be a reminder to all Americans that we need to protect our freedom at all costs . We can't protect it by having apathy for terrorists or organizations such as "The John Adams Project" (who are attempting to expose CIA agents). I would rather be hated by the rest of the world and live in a safe country where terrorism is not an everyday occurrence, than live in a place where bombings are the norm.
Another over dramatic 9/11 "Truther". Shocking. Charlie is somewhat right about the government trying to dismantle our Constitution and Bill of Rights. He just has the wrong administration in his line of fire. Anyone who believes this load of crap he is peddling is obtuse! Why anyone would take this guy seriously (who is known to be addicted to gambling, prescription drugs and prostitutes), baffles me. His ex-wife used his beliefs about 9/11 as proof for a judge that he was “delusional.”
On a day such as this, remembering the heroes and all the people who lost their lives during those attacks makes my heart ache. 9/11 should be a reminder to all Americans that we need to protect our freedom at all costs . We can't protect it by having apathy for terrorists or organizations such as "The John Adams Project" (who are attempting to expose CIA agents). I would rather be hated by the rest of the world and live in a safe country where terrorism is not an everyday occurrence, than live in a place where bombings are the norm.
A little cheese with that wine?

I'm really digging this cheese lately - Parrano (gouda mixed with parmesan).
I indulged in

David Horowitz - Reformed Radical
Former self-avowed communist, David Horowitz interview with Glenn Beck on 09/04/09. Although Glenn Beck has this knack for rubbing people the wrong way, you can't deny this interview is insightful and poignant. I'm starting to feel that the American people are finally starting to get disillusioned with the left and their "cloaked" anti-Americanism movement that is attempting to insinuate itself into the very foundation of our country. Make sure to pay attention to a snapshot of Obama saying that "We are 5 days away from changing the very foundation of this country." That statement really struck me, and not in a good way.
Excerpts from Interview:
Excerpts from Interview:
"What is wrong with the left is not what it says, but what it does.....what it DOES"
"When you're a radical, what you are thinking about is power...and how to advance it. They don't spend 5 seconds thinking about what the results will be, only what they can get away with."
"The Democratic Party is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy."
Dirty Deeds Done "Czar" Cheap
C'mon America, when will the mainstream media actually cover the real issue of WHY this WH Administration is appointing "Czars" when the cabinet positions have not even been filled? I know, I'm dreaming that the media would actually care more about the people and report the facts not just their Le
ftist agenda....
But the truth is, these Czars do not answer to Congress. So Congress can't stop their actions unless they impeach the President. So people... this puts all the power in the hands of the President. This is a very slippery slope and that kind of power is not what democracy is about.

But the truth is, these Czars do not answer to Congress. So Congress can't stop their actions unless they impeach the President. So people... this puts all the power in the hands of the President. This is a very slippery slope and that kind of power is not what democracy is about.
This scares the hell out of me and it should scare you too.
Van Jones' (Green Job Czar or "Special Advisor") comments right after 9/11 slamming the US for it's "Imperialist Agenda" and then recently calling Republicans "a-holes" is a VERY CLEAR SIGN (they are called "signs" for a reason - pay attention!) that Obama is and always has been aligned with people who want to create division in this country.
Van Jones' (Green Job Czar or "Special Advisor") comments right after 9/11 slamming the US for it's "Imperialist Agenda" and then recently calling Republicans "a-holes" is a VERY CLEAR SIGN (they are called "signs" for a reason - pay attention!) that Obama is and always has been aligned with people who want to create division in this country.
I see a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing.
In the words of Joss Stone, "You're a dirty, dirty man", Mr. President.
In the words of Joss Stone, "You're a dirty, dirty man", Mr. President.
The FDIC - In the Red?
Interesting story on Fox News this morning about the FDIC.
Didn't our fearless Leader say that "things aren't as bad as they seem"? Perhaps he was hoping that the lack of coverage in the media lately on this issue would help the people forget about the financial mess we are truly in. The taxpayers will be paying for more of these "failures" that are a bottomless pit - and that includes the bailouts, cash for clunkers, and every other rebate program that we are financing.
Didn't our fearless Leader say that "things aren't as bad as they seem"? Perhaps he was hoping that the lack of coverage in the media lately on this issue would help the people forget about the financial mess we are truly in. The taxpayers will be paying for more of these "failures" that are a bottomless pit - and that includes the bailouts, cash for clunkers, and every other rebate program that we are financing.
"The Government Can" Come on. Sing along!
Hilarious, yet so true! You must watch this!
A Free Man, Thinking Freely:
"The Government Can" Come on. Sing along!
A Free Man, Thinking Freely:
"The Government Can" Come on. Sing along!
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