A "tongue in cheek" song about Obama and the bailouts from a Canadian duo.
The Beelzebubs - Amazing Acappella
If you missed the show "The Sing Off" last week, make sure to check it out online. This acappella competition showcases amazing and real talent. As far as I was concerned, it put American Idol to shame. These groups are blessed with phenomenal talent!
Christmas Music - Cruel & Unusual Punishment
In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio has ordered Christmas music to played throughout the Maricopa County Jail system. Holiday music from all countries and faiths are included in the playlist.
Now too much Christmas music will drive anyone crazy, no doubt. But I have a better idea. Why not turn off all the music, the cable tv access and leave them only with books. I know, I know... where is my "Christmas Spirit"? Bah humbug. It doesn't matter what time of the year it is. - wrong is wrong. If you are in prision and the taxpayer is paying your way, be quiet and be glad you are not in prison in Russia.
Inmates have filed six lawsuits over the Sheriff's Christmas music policy in the last two years. The grievances range from "cruel and unusual punishment" claims to "forcing inmates to participate in religious celebrations." To date, four of the six suits have been dismissed and the Sheriff expects that the remaining two will be dismissed.
Now too much Christmas music will drive anyone crazy, no doubt. But I have a better idea. Why not turn off all the music, the cable tv access and leave them only with books. I know, I know... where is my "Christmas Spirit"? Bah humbug. It doesn't matter what time of the year it is. - wrong is wrong. If you are in prision and the taxpayer is paying your way, be quiet and be glad you are not in prison in Russia.
Charlie Brown on Christmas
Second guessing himself, Charlie Brown begins to wonder if he really knows what Christmas is about, loudly asking in despair. Linus quietly says he can tell him, and walks to center stage to make his point. Under a spotlight, Linus quotes Scripture, particularly the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, verses 8 through 14: [King James Version]
Charlie Brown now realizes he does not have to let commercialism ruin his Christmas.
Charlie Brown now realizes he does not have to let commercialism ruin his Christmas.
"'8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"
Poverty Bigger issue than Climate Change
Poverty is a bigger global problem than climate change. The World Health Organization estimates 150,000 people die because of climate change each year, however, 3 million die from malnutrition alone. Malaria often is cited as a problem that will grow worse with a warmer planet, and it is a terrible problem in tropical countries that will worsen with a warmer planet, but tropical countries that are wealthy, like Singapore, don’t have problems with malaria.
Agent Orange: Still Sick 44 Years Later
My family is from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada and my Mother's side has 11 brothers & sisters, while by Father's side has 14. In 1966 & 1967, Agent Orange (a herbicide & defoliant) was sprayed near and around Canadian Forces base in Gagetown, New Brunswick. A document released states that it was sprayed in the Fredericton area. I have relatives that recall this "spraying" taking place in Doaktown (50 miles north of Fredericton) as well.
I have dozens of relatives that have had various forms of cancer and have died from cancer. It seems that the people who have stayed in this area battle illness on a constant basis. Research shows that various types of cancer and birth defects result in exposure from Agent Orange.
Excerpt from agentorangecanada.com website:
I have dozens of relatives that have had various forms of cancer and have died from cancer. It seems that the people who have stayed in this area battle illness on a constant basis. Research shows that various types of cancer and birth defects result in exposure from Agent Orange.
Excerpt from agentorangecanada.com website:
The Agent Orange document, as it became known, showed the extent of the sprayings of Dioxin, Hexachlorobenzene and Picloram contaminated defoliants for a 28-year period over an area of 181,000 acres on CFB Gagetown. During the 28 years that DND sprayed, the enormity of the spray exposure and drift became evident as thousands of civilians and military personnel became sick and were/are dying from being poisoned by the carcinogenic toxins in Oromocto, CFB Gagetown and all of the communities surrounding CFB GagetownFor all my Canadian readers, I urge you to download this petition and have 18 friends sign and return to the address listed on the linked page.
Culture of Adultery
I'm not going to write about how much of an idiot Tiger Woods is. No need to state the obvious.
What I find alarming are the hoards of women who throw themselves at these celebrity athletes. It’s a calculated, groupie type of approach that makes this all the more disturbing. These “cheap tricks” and the celebrities who cheat with them and treat infidelity in a cavalier manner are disgusting. Assisting in destroying another woman’s family is foolish and disrespectful - to say the least. Would they teach their daughters to do this? No.
This culture of casual sex is endangering the family unit. It’s not just the wives of these athletes that are affected by these affairs; it’s the illegitimate kids that have a higher chance of neglect by these “fathers”. Infidelity isn’t acceptable under any circumstances. Be a mature, responsible grown-up and get out of your relationship if you feel the need to conquer every person of the opposite sex that floats your boat.
I personally have lived through an "affair" and trust me, the heartbreak and hard, life-lessons are not something anyone should ever want to toy with. Leave the gambling in Vegas. Not in your marriage.
What I find alarming are the hoards of women who throw themselves at these celebrity athletes. It’s a calculated, groupie type of approach that makes this all the more disturbing. These “cheap tricks” and the celebrities who cheat with them and treat infidelity in a cavalier manner are disgusting. Assisting in destroying another woman’s family is foolish and disrespectful - to say the least. Would they teach their daughters to do this? No.
This culture of casual sex is endangering the family unit. It’s not just the wives of these athletes that are affected by these affairs; it’s the illegitimate kids that have a higher chance of neglect by these “fathers”. Infidelity isn’t acceptable under any circumstances. Be a mature, responsible grown-up and get out of your relationship if you feel the need to conquer every person of the opposite sex that floats your boat.
I personally have lived through an "affair" and trust me, the heartbreak and hard, life-lessons are not something anyone should ever want to toy with. Leave the gambling in Vegas. Not in your marriage.
Law of Reciprocity
The universe is completely balanced and in perfect order. You will always be compensated for everything that you do. -- Brian Tracy
Deficit '09: The Devil Made Him Do It
Obama's plethora of statements blaming his predecessor for the "inherited" federal budget deficit is something a smart leader would not continue to do. The facts are that immediately upon taking office, Obama signed two new bills that together about equal the $1.2T deficit he "inherited." I guess the devil made him do it.

I don't know about you, but if I was was in debt 10 times more than I was two years ago, I would be making some serious cutbacks (and I personally have). Why isn't our government reforming their spending and making cutbacks like the rest of corporate America is doing? Instead they introduce Health Care Reform and Cap & Trade, which will cost the taxpayer more money and even more of their jobs.
Visit U.S. National Debt Clock to watch the national debt and unfunded liabilities ($106T and climbing) increase before your very eyes. It's time for real change. And I don't mean having only two nickels to rub together when it's all said and done.
Patriotism Illegal?
Col. Van T. Barfoot, a veteran of three wars, and 90 years of age is being ordered by his homeowners association to remove a flagpole from his yard or face "legal action". Since when is flying the American Flag illegal?
I understand why homeowners associations are in place and why they have restrictions, but the American Flag should be excluded from these type of "rules". As long as there is only one flag and it is maintained I do not see the problem here. I hope Mr. Barfoot wins this battle. Our country needs more patriots like this man.
I understand why homeowners associations are in place and why they have restrictions, but the American Flag should be excluded from these type of "rules". As long as there is only one flag and it is maintained I do not see the problem here. I hope Mr. Barfoot wins this battle. Our country needs more patriots like this man.
AP Photo/Richmond Times-Dispatch, Eva Russo
Amnesty Bill - A piece of S#*%
I'm amazed that CNN actually broadcasted this. Kudos CNN! (something I never thought I would say).
The expletive is from Senate Minority Leader John Boehner in response to the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's undying mission to push Obama's Immigration legislation S-9 Amnesty Bill.
EVERY American should be outraged at this and it must be stopped. As an immigrant who came to this country the legal way I am insulted that any politician would push this bill. It is in no way patriotic or protecting the rights of American citizens. It is wrong.
The expletive is from Senate Minority Leader John Boehner in response to the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's undying mission to push Obama's Immigration legislation S-9 Amnesty Bill.
EVERY American should be outraged at this and it must be stopped. As an immigrant who came to this country the legal way I am insulted that any politician would push this bill. It is in no way patriotic or protecting the rights of American citizens. It is wrong.
1. Illegal aliens given legal status just 24 hours after filing... even though background check will not have been completed in nearly all cases.
2. US tax payers will foot the bill for lawyers to represent illegal aliens.
3. While visas granted will be "temporary", they may be renewed indefinitely.
4. Alien gang members (estimated to be 30,000, minimum) qualify for amnesty simply by declaring they "don't want to be in a gang any longer".
5. US taxpayers will provide the money for "incentives to keep Mexicans in their own country"... like health care, education costs.
6. Aliens will pay no back taxes.
7. Aliens will qualify for the "earned income tax credit" by way of a check from the Government at taxpayer expense, though the illegal aliens will not be required to pay back taxes.
8.Instate college tuition given to aliens [a benefit which is denied to tax-paying, US citizens].
9. US/Mexico border fence reduced from 800 miles to 200 miles.
Obtuse, racist comments
I read this comment on Kenneth Durden's blog: "Tamiya M. said... White women fall in love to be taken care of, black women take care of there man."
This kind of attitude is racist and is a prime example of the double standard that I am so tired of experiencing. A GOOD WOMAN (regardless of race) chooses the right man to love and knows that if she treats her man like her King, he will treat her like his Queen. In other words, you reap what you sow.
This kind of attitude is racist and is a prime example of the double standard that I am so tired of experiencing. A GOOD WOMAN (regardless of race) chooses the right man to love and knows that if she treats her man like her King, he will treat her like his Queen. In other words, you reap what you sow.
I know you are, but what am I?
Launched a new look and a new name for my blog. I'm liking the new diggs... Pretty spanking. Any thoughts on my new "pen name" - Informed Fire? Y'all have Kenneth Durden to thank for that!
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