Obama's plethora of statements blaming his predecessor for the "inherited" federal budget deficit is something a smart leader would not continue to do. The facts are that immediately upon taking office, Obama signed two new bills that together about equal the $1.2T deficit he "inherited." I guess the devil made him do it.

I don't know about you, but if I was was in debt 10 times more than I was two years ago, I would be making some serious cutbacks (and I personally have). Why isn't our government reforming their spending and making cutbacks like the rest of corporate America is doing? Instead they introduce Health Care Reform and Cap & Trade, which will cost the taxpayer more money and even more of their jobs.
Visit U.S. National Debt Clock to watch the national debt and unfunded liabilities ($106T and climbing) increase before your very eyes. It's time for real change. And I don't mean having only two nickels to rub together when it's all said and done.
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