I have been using Daily burn for the past two and a half weeks and am happy to report that I have shed 7lbs. My food journal has made me acutely aware of my caloric intake and keeps me conscious of what I put in my mouth. A simple tool helping me achieve great results. Informed Fire = Happy Fire.
A conservative-libertarian, God-fearing woman enjoying a little escapism, indulgence, and the pursuit of intellectual stimulation. Writing material that moves me or just fires me up. It's not politics as usual - it's Informed Fire.
"Is it possible... That you get angry from time to time because you always wear uncomfortable shoes?" "Maybe..."
Mom: "You always buy me nice things. Not like them other bitches [my sisters]."
Dad: "Don't set your standards too high."
Me: "What does THAT mean?"
Dad: "I don't want you to be alone. Don't be so picky."
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