6:05 PM
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Nature gathers around me... But lately it seems to only be the cold blooded kind. This is either a sign that summer is here or I am Medusa and am summoning my minions.
This is one of four lizards that joined me in my backyard yesterday.
12:08 PM
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The Hollywood glitterati unfortunately has a forum for their political (ignorant and highly bias) views. Not only are celebrities out of touch with the majority of the people in this country, they are putting on a show - acting. They pretend to know what they are talking about in order to maintain a certain standing in their celebrity "clique".
But HOLD on a minute. If the celebrity is conservative or not accepted as politically correct by the Liberal "elite", then they are not heard and the media rarely covers what they have to say. Generally I pay no attention to any celebrities comments on politics. I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Gene Simmons (lead singer of KISS) said something like: "We don't comment on whales and the rain forest. We don't try to be ambassadors to Bosnia. Duh. You need a rock star for that? Some idiot who couldn't tune a guitar six months ago is now an environmental specialist? I blame media for giving rock stars more credence than they deserve."
EXACTLY. I don't go to movies or concerts to get an underlying political point of view. I go to a movie / concert to be entertained and transported to another place. Let the documentaries have the political slant if they so choose and then you
know what you are getting yourself into. The narcissism of these types of celebrities is already unbearable, but when they start politicizing their point of view, they lose all grip on reality. Janeane Garofalo's recent interview, stating that the recent Tea Parties were all based on "hating the fact there is a black man who is the President" is a prime example of how incredibly disconnected celebrities are with rest of America. Did she even attend one to find out why people were there? NO. But hey, we can't even count on most journalists to really do the research or give a non-bias report anymore, so why would a vapid celebrity do it?
9:48 PM
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I was born in eastern Canada, New Brunswick and when I was five, my family moved to Prince George, British Columbia - 489 miles north of Vancouver, BC
. This logging town was far, far, away from designer labels, the arts, and most of all, traffic. Now, I live in the "Human Zoo" aka Los Angeles. I try to visit Canada every year or so and when I get back there, I seem to find balance again, and I'm reminded that life is not about living in "Never Never Land" (Angelinos are famous for never growing up), but about giving of yourself, being with the ones you love, connecting with nature, and actually hearing your own thoughts. I admit, that I get caught up in the "noise" of this city, but I am getting better at disconnecting from this chaos and focusing on what matters most. My fantasies of leaving this metropolis are becoming more frequent. But where would I move to?

Creston, British Columbia - Where Dad now lives

Dad - out for a hike

Osprey at Duck Lake, near Creston, British Columbia
9:07 PM
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I love this poem and was recently reminded of how much I love this man's writing.
Sonnet XVII I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,in secret, between the shadow and the soul.I love you as the plant that never bloomsbut carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;so I love you because I know no other waythan this: where I does not exist, nor you,so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.Pablo Neruda
9:02 PM
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I became fascinated with the Pin Up style at a fairly young age. I was drawn to old movies such as Rebel Without a Cause, Butterfield 8, and White Christmas. The female leads were stunning and extremely well coiffed. I viewed them as powerful, sexy, confident, and free spirited women. Growing up in a strict religious home, sexuality was not an open topic of conversation. At a young age I felt ashamed about my desire to be a sex kitten just like Elizabeth Taylor.
Then I discovered Bettie Page.
The ultimate pin up, Bettie Page was more than a sex object. Although she had a turbulent life, in an oppressed era, she withstood the social implications of her "taboo" line of work. Bettie stood for more than just a sex
kitten, she represented how so many women in any decade want to feel. She was independent, self-made, a free spirit, open minded, approachable and beautiful. Her journey helped chip away at the social moralists who tried to ban anything remotely erotic. She taught men and women that God gave us our sexuality therfore we should not be ashamed of it. Now this does not mean that I agree with the out of control porn industry. There needs to be balance in all aspects of life and some things should only be shared with a select few, not millions. Where is the beauty in that?
There is a fine line between being a slave to your desires and being the Master of them. I have learned to choose the latter. There is much, much more pleasure in the sweet anticipation..... ooh la la.
“I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.” ~Pablo Neruda
8:44 PM
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9:04 PM
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It's no secret that PostSecret has become a cult hit. People send in anonymous postcards with their brightest and/or darkest truths written on them. There is something that is liberating to the sender, believing that someone will read their secret. It seems we have been trained to hold things in, to not share the questionable parts of our humanity.
Have you ever noticed when a child throws a tantrum, that he is totally in the moment and nothing else matters?. Their behavior is raw, uncensored and they are being completely true to themselves and living IN that emotion.
Perhaps your mother told you to "stop crying, or I'll give you something to cry about!" or your father said "I don't like it when you cry - take it like a man." This is a prime example of an underlying message for the child to hold back emotions and repress those feelings, as it's not socially acceptable. The "repressive" footprint on your life has already begun.
I have my own dirty little secrets, as I know you do.
Here is one of my secrets:
I dream very vividly. A lot of my dreams are intensly erotic. In my dreams I'm bi-sexual. I find this intriguing because in reality, I am NOT bi-sexual at all. I desire very masculine men, with somewhat dominant personalities. My therapist once told me that when you dream, it is all about you and the other characters in your dream represent parts of you. Dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you something that you are not consciously aware of. Who knows what lies beneath...
In my early 30's I finally embraced my individuality, and shed the somewhat introverted child that seemed to still be in my shadow. Sharing my "truths" have provided an emotional and spiritual freedom for me. The shock value in sharing them is more than worth it, believe me.
What is your "dirty little secret"?
~Art by Panni Malek