12:08 PM
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The Hollywood glitterati unfortunately has a forum for their political (ignorant and highly bias) views. Not only are celebrities out of touch with the majority of the people in this country, they are putting on a show - acting. They pretend to know what they are talking about in order to maintain a certain standing in their celebrity "clique".
But HOLD on a minute. If the celebrity is conservative or not accepted as politically correct by the Liberal "elite", then they are not heard and the media rarely covers what they have to say. Generally I pay no attention to any celebrities comments on politics. I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Gene Simmons (lead singer of KISS) said something like: "We don't comment on whales and the rain forest. We don't try to be ambassadors to Bosnia. Duh. You need a rock star for that? Some idiot who couldn't tune a guitar six months ago is now an environmental specialist? I blame media for giving rock stars more credence than they deserve."
EXACTLY. I don't go to movies or concerts to get an underlying political point of view. I go to a movie / concert to be entertained and transported to another place. Let the documentaries have the political slant if they so choose and then you
know what you are getting yourself into. The narcissism of these types of celebrities is already unbearable, but when they start politicizing their point of view, they lose all grip on reality. Janeane Garofalo's recent interview, stating that the recent Tea Parties were all based on "hating the fact there is a black man who is the President" is a prime example of how incredibly disconnected celebrities are with rest of America. Did she even attend one to find out why people were there? NO. But hey, we can't even count on most journalists to really do the research or give a non-bias report anymore, so why would a vapid celebrity do it?
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