9:02 PM
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I became fascinated with the Pin Up style at a fairly young age. I was drawn to old movies such as Rebel Without a Cause, Butterfield 8, and White Christmas. The female leads were stunning and extremely well coiffed. I viewed them as powerful, sexy, confident, and free spirited women. Growing up in a strict religious home, sexuality was not an open topic of conversation. At a young age I felt ashamed about my desire to be a sex kitten just like Elizabeth Taylor.
Then I discovered Bettie Page.
The ultimate pin up, Bettie Page was more than a sex object. Although she had a turbulent life, in an oppressed era, she withstood the social implications of her "taboo" line of work. Bettie stood for more than just a sex
kitten, she represented how so many women in any decade want to feel. She was independent, self-made, a free spirit, open minded, approachable and beautiful. Her journey helped chip away at the social moralists who tried to ban anything remotely erotic. She taught men and women that God gave us our sexuality therfore we should not be ashamed of it. Now this does not mean that I agree with the out of control porn industry. There needs to be balance in all aspects of life and some things should only be shared with a select few, not millions. Where is the beauty in that?
There is a fine line between being a slave to your desires and being the Master of them. I have learned to choose the latter. There is much, much more pleasure in the sweet anticipation..... ooh la la.
“I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.” ~Pablo Neruda
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