In 1942 Irena Sendler, a German woman, worked in the Warsaw Ghetto as a plumber/sewage specialist and risked her life smuggling 2500 children and infants out of the ghetto. When the Nazis caught her they broke both her legs and arms in addition to beating her severely. Her story is an amazing one of selflessness, courage, and humanitarianism. Read more here.
In 2007 she was in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize, but instead it was awarded to Al Gore for his contributions on Global Warming.
Let me get this straight - The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a man who made a documentary about theories of Global Warming of which science can't prove? THIS is considered to be more of a humanitarian act than Irena's self sacrifice? She is a woman who took personal risks every day to prevent the destruction of individual lives! Al Gore has
made millions off of his concern for Global Warming; when will people get their priorities straight and see through the facade of these type individuals?
Let me get this straight - The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a man who made a documentary about theories of Global Warming of which science can't prove? THIS is considered to be more of a humanitarian act than Irena's self sacrifice? She is a woman who took personal risks every day to prevent the destruction of individual lives! Al Gore has

What concerns me is this is the type of crap we are allowing in our history books, instead of stories like Irena's. We must demand that people like Irena be awarded and REWARDED for such brave acts. Not narcissistic wannabe celebrities and music artists with foul language that can stay out of jail.

The wrong moral & spiritual priorities
will destroy this world.
Not your carbon footprint.

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