It's interesting to follow politics closely and then deal with people on a daily basis. I'm amazed at just how insouciant the average American is when it comes to politics and the life-changing decisions made by elected officials.
Let's read that again: the life-changing decisions made by elected officials. That is a hard pill to swallow.
A recent poll by Harvard Business Publishing listed Politicians in the top three of the least trusted professions in the United States. They were right up there with Lawyers and Journalists. Knowing this bit of information makes me wonder why so many people keep their
head in the sand and expect that the government will fix things by passing another bill that will give us free healthcare, education, housing, and other community "transfusions". When someone is bleeding to death, a doctor will first work on stopping the bleeding before giving the patient a transfusion. America is bleeding profusely and our leaders are insisting on ignoring this fact.
I remember my father telling me that nothing is free and there is always a price to be paid, but I hadn't lived long enough to know what it really was. Well I've lived a while now and the cost of expecting the government to provide free healthcare and housing incentives (think ACORN and the housing bubble) is the freedom to think for ourselves, to create, and prosper. This country was built by people who struggled through adversity and triumphed. They didn't have it handed to them in a trust fund.
Let's read that again: the life-changing decisions made by elected officials. That is a hard pill to swallow.
A recent poll by Harvard Business Publishing listed Politicians in the top three of the least trusted professions in the United States. They were right up there with Lawyers and Journalists. Knowing this bit of information makes me wonder why so many people keep their
I remember my father telling me that nothing is free and there is always a price to be paid, but I hadn't lived long enough to know what it really was. Well I've lived a while now and the cost of expecting the government to provide free healthcare and housing incentives (think ACORN and the housing bubble) is the freedom to think for ourselves, to create, and prosper. This country was built by people who struggled through adversity and triumphed. They didn't have it handed to them in a trust fund.
- A fine for not participating in government run healthcare?
- The government propping up failing companies like GM and Wall Street?
- State governments raising taxes when their residents are losing their homes and jobs in abundance?
Something more than my 401k is eroding here and it the very foundation of this country. Thomas Jefferson said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Freedom to me is being able to create my own destiny by choosing how I want to live out my life (with or without health insurance) in a country that has it's borders protected and values its greatest resource: the taxpayer.
Be vigilant!
Be vigilant!
Note: this blog entry was inspired by A Free Man Thinking Freely - make sure to visit his blog.
You forgot to mention the rationing of healthcare based upon the illness and procedures required, but governed by your age, average life expectancy and then prorating the cost of care over the remaining years left. If it does not fall within a certain range, sorry you are shit out of luck. The Government's deciding body will tell you that you are the weakest link. So, if you have an elderly relative, aged 75, and they need a transplant or triple bypass say, well they are judged to not have 20 viable years left, and they are "retired" (therefore not needing to work, so they do not qualify for the procedure to save their life.
They are also considering taxing overweight people, smokers, etc extra under this health bill, making it really unattainable for most. While I agree and have personal knowledge that a lot of the burden on healthcare has increasingly come from those that are obese, substance abusers and general entitlement of people who use the emergency room as their primary care and then do not pay, I also find it very hypocritical of this Administration to once again divide the country along racial, socio-economic and cultural lines. I believe it is time for this country to take off the blinders and stop being so P/C. We are watching all of the very things that so many men and women died to defend, be flushed down the entitlement toilet.
Since Mr. Obama is a smoker, and a majority of the "yes-Men" in Congress are pasty overweight, smoking and drinking fools will they be denied services? Yeah.. didn't think so.
~~~The Bombshell's Sister :)
Sister - and you haven't written on your blog for how many years? Get back to it!
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