The Beelzebubs - Amazing Acappella
Christmas Music - Cruel & Unusual Punishment
Inmates have filed six lawsuits over the Sheriff's Christmas music policy in the last two years. The grievances range from "cruel and unusual punishment" claims to "forcing inmates to participate in religious celebrations." To date, four of the six suits have been dismissed and the Sheriff expects that the remaining two will be dismissed.
Now too much Christmas music will drive anyone crazy, no doubt. But I have a better idea. Why not turn off all the music, the cable tv access and leave them only with books. I know, I know... where is my "Christmas Spirit"? Bah humbug. It doesn't matter what time of the year it is. - wrong is wrong. If you are in prision and the taxpayer is paying your way, be quiet and be glad you are not in prison in Russia.
Charlie Brown on Christmas
Charlie Brown now realizes he does not have to let commercialism ruin his Christmas.
"'8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"
Poverty Bigger issue than Climate Change
Agent Orange: Still Sick 44 Years Later
I have dozens of relatives that have had various forms of cancer and have died from cancer. It seems that the people who have stayed in this area battle illness on a constant basis. Research shows that various types of cancer and birth defects result in exposure from Agent Orange.
Excerpt from website:
The Agent Orange document, as it became known, showed the extent of the sprayings of Dioxin, Hexachlorobenzene and Picloram contaminated defoliants for a 28-year period over an area of 181,000 acres on CFB Gagetown. During the 28 years that DND sprayed, the enormity of the spray exposure and drift became evident as thousands of civilians and military personnel became sick and were/are dying from being poisoned by the carcinogenic toxins in Oromocto, CFB Gagetown and all of the communities surrounding CFB GagetownFor all my Canadian readers, I urge you to download this petition and have 18 friends sign and return to the address listed on the linked page.
Culture of Adultery
What I find alarming are the hoards of women who throw themselves at these celebrity athletes. It’s a calculated, groupie type of approach that makes this all the more disturbing. These “cheap tricks” and the celebrities who cheat with them and treat infidelity in a cavalier manner are disgusting. Assisting in destroying another woman’s family is foolish and disrespectful - to say the least. Would they teach their daughters to do this? No.
This culture of casual sex is endangering the family unit. It’s not just the wives of these athletes that are affected by these affairs; it’s the illegitimate kids that have a higher chance of neglect by these “fathers”. Infidelity isn’t acceptable under any circumstances. Be a mature, responsible grown-up and get out of your relationship if you feel the need to conquer every person of the opposite sex that floats your boat.
I personally have lived through an "affair" and trust me, the heartbreak and hard, life-lessons are not something anyone should ever want to toy with. Leave the gambling in Vegas. Not in your marriage.
Law of Reciprocity
Deficit '09: The Devil Made Him Do It

Patriotism Illegal?
I understand why homeowners associations are in place and why they have restrictions, but the American Flag should be excluded from these type of "rules". As long as there is only one flag and it is maintained I do not see the problem here. I hope Mr. Barfoot wins this battle. Our country needs more patriots like this man.,2933,579147,00.html
Amnesty Bill - A piece of S#*%
The expletive is from Senate Minority Leader John Boehner in response to the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's undying mission to push Obama's Immigration legislation S-9 Amnesty Bill.
EVERY American should be outraged at this and it must be stopped. As an immigrant who came to this country the legal way I am insulted that any politician would push this bill. It is in no way patriotic or protecting the rights of American citizens. It is wrong.
1. Illegal aliens given legal status just 24 hours after filing... even though background check will not have been completed in nearly all cases.
2. US tax payers will foot the bill for lawyers to represent illegal aliens.
3. While visas granted will be "temporary", they may be renewed indefinitely.
4. Alien gang members (estimated to be 30,000, minimum) qualify for amnesty simply by declaring they "don't want to be in a gang any longer".
5. US taxpayers will provide the money for "incentives to keep Mexicans in their own country"... like health care, education costs.
6. Aliens will pay no back taxes.
7. Aliens will qualify for the "earned income tax credit" by way of a check from the Government at taxpayer expense, though the illegal aliens will not be required to pay back taxes.
8.Instate college tuition given to aliens [a benefit which is denied to tax-paying, US citizens].
9. US/Mexico border fence reduced from 800 miles to 200 miles.
Obtuse, racist comments
This kind of attitude is racist and is a prime example of the double standard that I am so tired of experiencing. A GOOD WOMAN (regardless of race) chooses the right man to love and knows that if she treats her man like her King, he will treat her like his Queen. In other words, you reap what you sow.
I know you are, but what am I?
You have to go places quite out of the way.
You have to go places no others can get to.
You have to get cold, and you have to get wet, too.
Abortion: A Change of Heart
I am thankful that this woman had a change of heart after watching an abortion. SEEING IS BELIEVING! Watching the fetus literally "crumple" as it was suctioned out of a uterus had an impact on her that eight years of working for Planned Parenthood did not. I'm thankful because if one more person comes to the realization that a fetus is a living human being and that profit should not be made off of their destruction, then maybe – just maybe there is some hope for mankind.
The former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in southeast Texas says she had a "change of heart" after watching an abortion last month — and she quit her job and joined a pro-life group in praying outside the facility.
"For them there's not a lot of money in education," she said. "There's as not as much money in family planning as there is abortion."
"The majority of the money was going to the facility," she said.
But she said she got involved with the clinic "to help women and ... [do] the right thing," and the idea of raking in cash seemed to go against what she felt was the mission of the 93-year-old organization.
A hearing is set for Nov. 10 to determine whether a judge will order an injunction against Johnson and the Coalition for Life, which has led protests outside the clinic and joined her in a prayer vigil there last month.
I haven't met you yet
Right-Wing Women Rock
Very entertaining, and a lot of truth to it. It's nice to see that my native country of Canada actually has some men that appreciate conservative women. Lord knows there weren't any that I knew of when I lived there!
Obama's War - Frontline Special
The Doctor Fix is In
Health Care Reform Editorial from the Wall Street Journal. All about the "bait and switch" maneuver that is taking place. Worth the read:
The press corps will mostly ignore all of this because it is complicated and boring policy, as opposed to the epic drama of Anita Dunn vs. Glenn Beck. This doctor maneuver is such a cleverly dishonest solution to their many contradictory promises that we're surprised Democrats didn't think of it sooner.
The Nobel Pleeeeeasse Prize
Let me get this straight - The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a man who made a documentary about theories of Global Warming of which science can't prove? THIS is considered to be more of a humanitarian act than Irena's self sacrifice? She is a woman who took personal risks every day to prevent the destruction of individual lives! Al Gore has

The wrong moral & spiritual priorities
will destroy this world.
Not your carbon footprint.

STOP the Bleeding!
Let's read that again: the life-changing decisions made by elected officials. That is a hard pill to swallow.
A recent poll by Harvard Business Publishing listed Politicians in the top three of the least trusted professions in the United States. They were right up there with Lawyers and Journalists. Knowing this bit of information makes me wonder why so many people keep their
I remember my father telling me that nothing is free and there is always a price to be paid, but I hadn't lived long enough to know what it really was. Well I've lived a while now and the cost of expecting the government to provide free healthcare and housing incentives (think ACORN and the housing bubble) is the freedom to think for ourselves, to create, and prosper. This country was built by people who struggled through adversity and triumphed. They didn't have it handed to them in a trust fund.
- A fine for not participating in government run healthcare?
- The government propping up failing companies like GM and Wall Street?
- State governments raising taxes when their residents are losing their homes and jobs in abundance?
Be vigilant!
What kind of "ism" are you?
Let's face it. All of these "isms" exist in the world and most of us have experienced at least one of them. Are we really at a point that any opposition to the President is considered racism?
I have a problem with Carter saying that Joe Wilson's outburst was based on racism because it is false. If Wilson was should be accused of any "ism" it would be antagonism. He was disrespectful - no doubt about it, but it's not like he pulled a "Michael Richards".
1 a : opposition of a conflicting force, tendency, or principle
- Main Entry: an·tag·o·nism
- Pronunciation: \an-ˈta-gə-ˌni-zəm\
- Function: noun
- Date: 1835
antagonism of democracy to dictatorship> b : actively expressed opposition or hostility
Whether you are Democrat or Republican, African American, Hispanic, Caucasian, Asian, Indian, or any other race / species - if someone fundamentally disagrees with you, throwing around false, slanderous accusations in order to "win" is not only unwise, it exposes you for the irrational nut you truly are.
"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion”
~Chinese Proverb
Government Motors - And now some good news
Here are the 10 largest (by revenue) U.S. public companies where CEO pay cuts took place:
- General Motors (reduced to $1) This makes me do the happy dance. Seriously. At least there is one private jet that my tax dollars is NOT funding.
- Ford Motor (reduced by 30%)
- Sears (reduced by $50K)
- FedEx (reduced by 20%)
- American Express (reduced by 10%)
- Motorola (reduced by 25%)
- Eaton (reduced by 6 weeks' worth of pay)
- Continental Airlines (reduced to $0 for Q3 and Q4 of 2008)
- EMC (reduced by 15%)
- Cummins (reduced by 10%)
Go Sell Crazy Somewhere Else!
Another over dramatic 9/11 "Truther". Shocking. Charlie is somewhat right about the government trying to dismantle our Constitution and Bill of Rights. He just has the wrong administration in his line of fire. Anyone who believes this load of crap he is peddling is obtuse! Why anyone would take this guy seriously (who is known to be addicted to gambling, prescription drugs and prostitutes), baffles me. His ex-wife used his beliefs about 9/11 as proof for a judge that he was “delusional.”
On a day such as this, remembering the heroes and all the people who lost their lives during those attacks makes my heart ache. 9/11 should be a reminder to all Americans that we need to protect our freedom at all costs . We can't protect it by having apathy for terrorists or organizations such as "The John Adams Project" (who are attempting to expose CIA agents). I would rather be hated by the rest of the world and live in a safe country where terrorism is not an everyday occurrence, than live in a place where bombings are the norm.
A little cheese with that wine?

I'm really digging this cheese lately - Parrano (gouda mixed with parmesan).
I indulged in

David Horowitz - Reformed Radical
Excerpts from Interview:
"What is wrong with the left is not what it says, but what it does.....what it DOES"
"When you're a radical, what you are thinking about is power...and how to advance it. They don't spend 5 seconds thinking about what the results will be, only what they can get away with."
"The Democratic Party is no longer the party of John F. Kennedy."
Dirty Deeds Done "Czar" Cheap

But the truth is, these Czars do not answer to Congress. So Congress can't stop their actions unless they impeach the President. So people... this puts all the power in the hands of the President. This is a very slippery slope and that kind of power is not what democracy is about.
Van Jones' (Green Job Czar or "Special Advisor") comments right after 9/11 slamming the US for it's "Imperialist Agenda" and then recently calling Republicans "a-holes" is a VERY CLEAR SIGN (they are called "signs" for a reason - pay attention!) that Obama is and always has been aligned with people who want to create division in this country.
In the words of Joss Stone, "You're a dirty, dirty man", Mr. President.
The FDIC - In the Red?
Didn't our fearless Leader say that "things aren't as bad as they seem"? Perhaps he was hoping that the lack of coverage in the media lately on this issue would help the people forget about the financial mess we are truly in. The taxpayers will be paying for more of these "failures" that are a bottomless pit - and that includes the bailouts, cash for clunkers, and every other rebate program that we are financing.
"The Government Can" Come on. Sing along!
A Free Man, Thinking Freely:
"The Government Can" Come on. Sing along!
Lessons in Love, by Way of Economics
Practical article on Love by Ben Stein.
"In love, the data is even clearer. Stay with high-quality human beings. And once you find that you are in a junk relationship, sell immediately. Junk situations can look appealing and seductive, but junk is junk. Be wary of it unless you control the market.....You want to have monopoly bonds with your long-term lover. At least most situations work out better this way." Link to Article
Sometimes, You Just Need to Laugh!
Triumph, the insult comic dog @ Bonnaroo Music Festival
First, You've Got To Get MAD
I'm tired of the business-as-usual kind of politicians. What ever happened to these "leaders" being a leader in the literal sense? Our founding fathers are turning over in their graves as our country is being lead down the garden path by a bunch of nincompoops. Yes, i just used the word "nincompoop" and I meant it. It seems that the majority of elected officials in this country are simpletons, with a clear lack of leadership ability and no sense of personal responsibility. This leads me to wonder how did these non-leaders get elected in the first place? Of course, by the people.... right? So is the root cause of our national leadership crisis in our hands? Yes it is and we need to own it.
We need politicians that are held accountable to their job performance. Where is their yearly review and performance evaluation? Isn't it true that when one is held accountable, that performance and productivity improves, just simply by paying attention to it? I.E.: The Hawthorne Effect. The US government is such a huge business, that accountability has become almost non-existent. Heads only roll when the press gets hold of some scandalous information and the people becom

I don't know what the answer is, but I know that more people are becoming disenchanted with the way things are being run in this country (on the left & right), and the "I'M MAD AS HELL and I'm-not-going-to-take-it-anymore" movement is growing stronger everyday.
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.
You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"
You've Gotta Have Faith

The opposite of fear is faith. It's a marriage of the mind, body, and soul. Admittedly so, I struggle with this on a regular basis. My intellect knows that my thoughts are what limit me. Sure, environment and upbringing have programmed us to a point, but I am the one who most of all limits myself.
Fear = "False Evidence Appearing Real"
Today, I choose Fearlessness.
Snow White or Medusa?
Vapid Celebrities - Political Delusions
But HOLD on a minute. If the celebrity is conservative or not accepted as politically correct by the Liberal "elite", then they are not heard and the media rarely covers what they have to say. Generally I pay no attention to any celebrities comments on politics. I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Gene Simmons (lead singer of KISS) said something like:
"We don't comment on whales and the rain forest. We don't try to be ambassadors to Bosnia. Duh. You need a rock star for that? Some idiot who couldn't tune a guitar six months ago is now an environmental specialist? I blame media for giving rock stars more credence than they deserve."EXACTLY. I don't go to movies or concerts to get an underlying political point of view. I go to a movie / concert to be entertained and transported to another place. Let the documentaries have the political slant if they so choose and then you

Roots, Eh?

Pablo Neruda Poem
Sonnet XVII
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
Pablo Neruda
Pin Up Queen

Then I discovered Bettie Page.
The ultimate pin up, Bettie Page was more than a sex object. Although she had a turbulent life, in an oppressed era, she withstood the social implications of her "taboo" line of work. Bettie stood for more than just a sex

There is a fine line between being a slave to your desires and being the Master of them. I have learned to choose the latter. There is much, much more pleasure in the sweet anticipation..... ooh la la.
“I want to do to you what spring does with the cherry trees.” ~Pablo Neruda
Dirty Little Secrets
Have you ever noticed when a child throws a tantrum, that he is totally in the moment and nothing else matters?. Their behavior is raw, uncensored and they are being completely true to themselves and living IN that emotion.

Perhaps your mother told you to "stop crying, or I'll give you something to cry about!" or your father said "I don't like it when you cry - take it like a man." This is a prime example of an underlying message for the child to hold back emotions and repress those feelings, as it's not socially acceptable. The "repressive" footprint on your life has already begun.
I have my own dirty little secrets, as I know you do.
Here is one of my secrets:
I dream very vividly. A lot of my dreams are intensly erotic. In my dreams I'm bi-sexual. I find this intriguing because in reality, I am NOT bi-sexual at all. I desire very masculine men, with somewhat dominant personalities. My therapist once told me that when you dream, it is all about you and the other characters in your dream represent parts of you. Dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you something that you are not consciously aware of. Who knows what lies beneath...
In my early 30's I finally embraced my individuality, and shed the somewhat introverted child that seemed to still be in my shadow. Sharing my "truths" have provided an emotional and spiritual freedom for me. The shock value in sharing them is more than worth it, believe me.
What is your "dirty little secret"?
~Art by Panni Malek